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Once you’ve accepted the fact that blogging can provide tremendous marketing advantages, you may struggle to determine how often you should post content and when you should post it. When starting out with a company blog, many feel as though they can get away with posting once per week, perhaps at random times during the day. However, frequently posting during scheduled, strategic times could help improve your content marketing efforts significantly.

How Often Should You Post?

Studies have found that posting 16 posts per month can generate up to 3.5 times more website traffic than if you were to only post once per week. You should strive to reach the point where you’re posting a publication daily on a routine basis. But after you’ve reached this point, you could then consider posting two posts in a single day. A Kapost study found that blog traffic increased by more than 60% on days where sites posted two blog posts.

When To Post Your Blog

Kapost also found that companies would benefit most by posting early in the day. Posting around 8 am or earlier seems to be the most beneficial. For example, blog posts published at 6 am drove 70% more traffic than those posted at 10 am. You can set up your web publisher so that it displays automatically at this time.

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