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59% of salespeople say that inbound practices provide the highest quality leads for their sales team. Below are the top ways to grow your business through inbound marketing.

  1. Set your brand up as an industry authority by establishing and regularly publishing blog content that is relevant and helpful to your target customers. This can increase your website traffic by nearly 80%, not to mention what it will do for your lead generation.
  2. Amplify your blog articles through social media. Share your content on your business social pages, (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc.,) as well as on your personal social profiles. Also, promote your articles through targeted Social Ads to your target customers. This will help generate awareness and establish your brand as an authority they will want to do business with.
  3. Utilize SEO best practices to to help increase ranking and drive traffic. More than 90% of users begin their online experience with a search.
  4. Retarget visitors through Social Media, Google Search, and Google Display. Studies show that website visitors who are retargeted increases the chances of them converting on your website by as much as 70%.
  5. Always remember to include a call to action. What action do you want your website visitors and to take.
  6. Utilize white papers and other helpful content and research with an opt-in form to generate leads. Statistics show that businesses who use opt-in forms increase their conversion rates by 1000%.
  7. Invest in your customer support. Approximately 65% of customers say that they stopped doing business with a company because of a single poor customer service experience.

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