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Did you know that over 50% of web users will leave a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load? That’s why optimizing your website for caching is so important. 

There are plenty of things you can do to speed up your website, but optimizing your website for caching should be one of your top priorities.

Caching is a technique used by browsers and web servers to store frequently requested files or data in order to improve website performance. By caching your website’s assets, you can greatly reduce load times and provide a faster, more seamless browsing experience for your visitors. In this blog, we will show you how to optimize your website for caching using five simple steps. 

5 Types of Website Caching 

There are five main types of caching that web servers can use:

  • Static file caching – This type of caching stores static files (like images, CSS, and JavaScript) on the server. When a visitor requests a file that’s been stored in a static cache, the web server simply returns the cached version instead of loading the file from the server.
  • Session storage – This type of caching stores session data (like user IDs and passwords) with each request. When a visitor logs in to your website, for example, the session data is stored and used to speed up subsequent visits by that user.
  • Cacheable CDN – A cacheable CDN allows you to store assets on a third-party CDN (Content Delivery Network). When a visitor requests an asset from your website, the CDN will search its own content delivery networks for the asset and then return it to the browser.
  • Application cache – This type of caching stores cached versions of applications on the web server. For example, you might have an application cache that stores cached versions of your website’s pages or files.
  • Server-side image optimization – Server-side image optimization (SEO) is a technique used to improve the visibility and ranking of images on your website. By optimizing your images for both static and dynamic content, you can improve your site’s overall ranking in search engines.

What are the Benefits of Page Caching? 

There are many benefits of caching pages on your website. By caching pages, you can:

  1. Improve page load times. By caching pages on your website, you can reduce the time it takes for visitors to load your site pages.
  2. Reduce the amount of data that your website requires to be transmitted over the internet. By caching pages, you can reduce the amount of data that your website needs to be sent over the internet in order to be viewed.
  3. Increase the security of your site. By caching pages, you can protect against unauthorized access to your site’s content.
  4. Minimize the number of errors that occur while visitors are viewing your site. Caching pages can help to prevent errors from occurring while visitors are viewing your site and can therefore improve visitor experience overall. 
  5. Save bandwidth. By caching pages, you can reduce the amount of bandwidth that your website requires to be transmitted over the internet.

Caching Improves User Experience in What Ways? 

  1. By reducing the amount of data that is sent over the Internet in response to requests for pages from your website, caching can save bandwidth and improve page load times.
  2. By reducing the amount of data that is sent over the Internet in response to requests for HTML or JavaScript code, caching can save bandwidth and improve page load times.
  3. By caching dynamic and static content, you can reduce the amount of data that is sent over the Internet in response to requests for HTML or JavaScript code. 
  4. By caching pages that are frequently requested by visitors, you can save bandwidth and improve page load times.

Is it good to use Page Caching along with other Methods to Speed Up your Website? 

You can double or even triple the performance and speed boost of your website by implementing a few easy-to-use tools. By combining page caching with Gzip Compression to reduce the load times by 70% as well as HTML file size optimization, you will achieve a 30% shorter wait time for users on websites that have heavy traffic such as travel agencies who need quick access to information about prices & availability; designers looking at their designs before production begins so they know what’s available–and not having any surprises once it’s too late!

What kinds of files should I Cache? 

There are a few files that you should cache on your website in order to speed up the load time of your site. These files include are

  • Logos and other static images
  • Stylesheets
  • Downloadable files
  • JavaScript files

What is the ideal Caching Optimization Procedure? 

There is no one-size-fits-all caching optimization procedure, as the best method for your website will vary depending on the type of website, the amount of traffic it receives, and the specific needs of your audience. However, a few basic tips to follow include:

  • Set up a caching proxy in order to cache static files on a remote server.
  • Configure your web server settings to use gzip compression when downloading files from the internet.
  • Enable HTTP/2 on your web server so that pages can be loaded faster by using multiple connections at once.
  • Make sure your website is configured to use HTTPS to encrypt data transmissions between your web browser and the website.

How Can You Determine If Caching Is Right For Your Website?

If you are uncertain whether caching is right for your website, there are a number of factors that you can consider.

  1. Are your pages regularly updated? If your pages are not regularly updated, caching may not be the best solution for your website. In this case, you may be better off relying on dynamic content instead of caching pages.
  2. Do visitors frequently access certain pages on your website? If certain pages on your website are accessed more frequently than others, caching those pages may be the best solution for improving the visitor experience.
  3. Do you have a large audience? Sites with a large audience may benefit more from caching than sites with a smaller audience.
  4. Is your website hosted in a location that has good internet connectivity? If your website is hosted in a location with poor internet connectivity, caching may not be the best solution for improving page load times.

5 Steps to Optimize your Website for Caching:

1.Understand how caching works

Caching is a way of storing data on a remote server so that it can be accessed quickly and repeatedly. When you make a request for a document that has been cached, the server doesn’t have to go through the time-consuming process of searching through its own database to find the document. Instead, it simply looks in the cache and delivers it immediately.

2.Make sure your website is configured for caching

To enable caching on your website, you first need to configure your web server. You can find instructions for doing this on most web hosting providers’ websites or in their support documentation. Once you have enabled caching, you need to specify which documents should be cached and for how long. You can also specify which browsers should be allowed to access the cached documents.

3.Choose appropriate content for caching

Some documents are better candidates for caching than others. For example, static files such as images and PDFs are usually good candidates for caching because they don’t change often and they don’t require much processing power from the webserver to render.

On the other hand, dynamic content—such as pages that contain user input—is usually not good candidates for caching because it will change frequently and requests made by browsers trying to access cached versions of these pages will cause delays in page loading times.

4.Balance performance with usability

It’s important to strike a balance between performance and usability when choosing which documents should be cached on your website. For example, you might choose not to cache documents that visitors frequently access, such as the home page or your company’s logo. However, you might want to cache documents that visitors use less often, such as contact information or product information.

5.Monitor your website’s caching performance

Keep track of your website’s caching performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or WebPageTest. This will help you optimize your website for better speed and lower cache hit rates.


Caching is an important optimization technique that can help to improve website speed. By balancing performance with usability, monitoring caching performance, and adjusting caching settings as needed, you can ensure that your website loads quickly for visitors.

While caching is just one method of speeding up your website, it can be an extremely effective tool when used in combination with other optimizations.

At Adjossible, we specialize in helping businesses speed up their websites – and caching is a big part of that. If you’re interested in finding out how caching can help improve the user experience on your website and increase your sales, contact us for a free consultation.

We would be happy to help you get started on optimizing your website.